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Guide To Artificial Intelligence

Guide To Artificial Intelligence

Defining A.I

Artificial Intelligence(A.I) is an application of computing to solve problems in an intelligent way.It can also be defined as a method of teaching machines how to execute information based on the data we feed it.

(ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) enables computers understand certain kind of data that that they could not have understood before such as audio, natural language and visual data.

Categories Of A.I

  • WEAK A.I

Weak A.I

Application of this A.I can be found in some of this technologies

  • self driven cars
  • chatbots
  • spam filters

Strong A.I

This A.I learns and operates a wide variety of unrelated data i.e taking of random pictures and categorizing them based on size is an example of its application


A.I with human level consiousness .

NOTE since is impossible to define what really is consiousness in terms of what makes you happy, sad , we cannot possibly teach a computer on how to love or react to different emotions. This category of A.I might take longer time to be fullfilled and applied.

How does A.I learn?

The only intelligence machines have is what we give them. We provide machines the ability to examine examples and create machine learning models based on the inputs and desired outputs. And we do this in different ways such as Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning.


A.I helps experts scale their capabilities as machines do time consuming work. A.I learns by creting machine learning models based on provided inputs and outputs.


  • Siri
  • Cortana
  • Google Assistant
  • Transcription
  • Netflix queue
  • Navigation Apps


For a data scienntist A.I helps in exploring and classifying data to meet specific goals. A screen writer -A.I acts a human with computer features and for video gaming production -A.I assists in writing code, describing environments and how it reacts to players.This are some of the impacts of A.I to name just but a few.

Jordan type

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